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Exclusive Services

Spruced Up Cleaning offers an array of services which we can tailor to your needs. Whether it’s daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, we can customize your package based on your requirements. We know that not every client is a one-clean-fits-all which sets us apart from the rest. You are in charge of your clean and we want YOUR clean to always fit YOUR priorities. 

Surface cleaning 
 deep cleaning

We often hear clients say "I keep a tidy home, it shouldn't take too long" the purpose of this statement is to keep the cost low. But is that always a good idea? In our experience no matter how clean you are we will always find more that can be done. Leave it to the professionals because we are here to help. A surface and deep cleaning all depend on the frequency. A surface cleaning can be maintained weekly, biweekly, and even monthly. A deep clean however should be done your first clean and then we recommend another every 6 months to a year depending on the clients personal needs. A surface clean doesn't compromise the cleanliness of your home, you can expect all the items and surfaces in your home to be thoroughly cleaned and maintained. A deep clean is more extensive (please refer to checklists above for what this entails). The price of both will differ and you will pay more for a deep clean but we believe that feeling of a walking into a clean and freshly sanitized home is PRICELESS. 

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